How Long will a Claim Take to Resolve?​

Your pain
can't wait

Case resolution may take anywhere from a few months to several years. This will depend on the case intricacies, such as degree of liability, amount of discovery needed, and litigation backlogs. Victims of cancer misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis often incur serious financial issues directly related to their damages and don’t have years to wait. 

Our attornies can help you understand options to finance living expenses while your case proceeds in litigation.

We'll find a Resolution that

Restores You

There are many factors that will determine how your medical malpractice case is resolved. Cancer misdiagnosis lawsuits are almost always contested and defended by multiple highly-paid defense lawyers. For this reason, you should hire an experienced  attorney who thoroughly understands the court process and how to advocate for your rights. 

Most medical malpractice lawsuits are resolved by out-of-court settlements. However, this usually occurs after extensive litigation. In many instances, malpractice cases are resolved through an alternative dispute resolution process such as mediation or binding arbitration. 

If your case is not settled, your attorney will present your case to a jury. Trust that our experienced medical malpractice attorneys will fight hard for a settlement or jury verdict that fairly compensates you for the harm and loss caused by a delayed cancer diagnosis.

What To Know About Statute Of Limitations

Both Pennsylvania and New Jersey have a two year statute of limitations. This begins when you knew, or should have known, that malpractice occurred. Discuss your case with our attorneys to help you determine the applicable statute of limitations in your case.

Understanding the Medical Malpractice Process

From discovery to payment, the many steps to the medical malpractice case process can seem daunting. Working with an experienced and trusted lawyer will ensure the best outcome for you and your family.


Both sides request information, evidence and related documentation from the other to gather the facts and build their respective cases.

Expert Witnesses

We work with highly qualified expert witnesses to investigate the details of the case, establish the standard of care, and determine if and how medical negligence occurred.

Settlement vs Jury Awards

We prepare each case as though it will be tried in front of a jury. Many times, a favorable settlement can be reached prior to trial.

Personalized Representation

We take time to get to know you personally. This lets us effectively represent you by telling your story how a delayed cancer diagnosis has affected your life.
Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.